Complaints Procedure
Our mission is to deliver a high level of services across all of our divisions at ESOS Energy Ltd. If you are dissatisfied, we would ask that you make contact with your ESOS representative in the first instance. However, if you are unsatisfied with the outcome, you can follow our formal complaints procedure outlined below.
Step 1
Log your complaint using one of the communication methods below:
• Telephone - 0117 9309689
• Email –
• Post – 5th Floor Castlemead, Lower Castle Street, Bristol, BS1 3AG
Step 2
Your complaint with be acknowledged within 48 hours of receipt, with confirmation of the representative handling your complaint.
Step 3
Your complaints representative will be in touch within 10 working days of receiving your complaint with a resolution.
Step 4
If you are unhappy with the resolution, you may wish to lodge an appeal. You must raise your appeal within 28 days of receiving your proposed resolution. The appeal will be reviewed by a Director for the final internal review.
Step 5
Should you remain unhappy with the outcome of your complaint; you can lodge a complaint with the Energy Ombudsman directly who will review this in due course. An independent review can be requested from the Energy Ombudsman if:
• You are registered in Great Britain.
• You are classed as a microbusiness as per Ofgem’s definition.
• The dispute has been outstanding for over 8 weeks, or you have received a deadlock letter from us.
The Energy Ombudsman will host an Alternative Dispute Resolution upon receipt of any complaint and will liaise with the relevant parties through the process. This is an impartial and free service and the Energy Ombudsman can be contacted via the below methods of communication.
Name: Energy Ombudsman
Post: Energy Ombudsman, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and Saturday, 9am to 1pm)